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VB software's (Only means VB5/6) infomation of form did not in the "resource", but its format is very like Delphi's, it can be localized by using my other tools called "VB form localize tool" (Only have Chinese Simplified version.) , this tool can actualize replace the length large than origin, but need user to ensure the strings length's summation is same with origin. Although i say it is not safety, but it is not danger than using search and replace ASCII, because not have other tools better than it, so it is a good choise now. But, if the origin software using ActiveX control (Most software using ActiveX control, but not include LocPlus , usually need to process a UniCode search and replace. When the VB software runing after localize, the font face have not looks good usually (specially for Far East languages like Chinese, Japanese and so on.) , for this, i have the article to explain the way to fix it, please visit Pointer Studio to explore it (Only have Chinese Simplified version.) . But, if the software using "Form 2.0 designer", "VB form localize tool" can not find the form by using Form 2.0, it can only localize by use search and replace ASCII and UniCode. And its way of font fix not in my article, the way have be find by WWP, to visit Pointer Studio's forum to search it. Otherwise, VB software usually have some strings didn't in the forms (equal "String" type in standard resource), in its format have a counter of string, if change it by another length, the interface will have illegitimacy character, for these strings, recommend use LocPlus to search and replace it by using "Search VB" function. (this function auto change the counter). Sameness, it need user to delete all illegal items before replace too. So, to localize a software wrote by VB, the standard step is: 1. Use "VB form localize tool" to localize the forms; 2. Use LocPlus to search and replace "VB Strings"; 3. Use LocPlus to search and replace UniCode; (when the software using ActiveX controls) 4. Use LocPlus to search and replace ASCII; (only by the software using "Form 2.0 designer") 5. Fix font face problem. (choiceable)
Среди программ для смартфонов, встречаются проги, которые состоят из экзешника (маленького размера, в котором отсутствуют ресурсы), и файла с расширением .vbПодскажите пожалуйста, чем можно редактировать языковые ресурсы в этих файлах.